Loyalty SchemeOur Loyalty Scheme Unlike some companies we do not charge membership fees or have set criteria for our loyalty programme. All you need to do is register with us and you will automatically receive Loyalty Points that you can put towards your next purchase. There is no minimum spend required and no restrictions on what products you can buy, you just need to make sure you register and log-in to the same account each time. You will receive one Loyalty Point for every £1 (or equivalent currency) that you spend, this ratio may however be increased with occasional promotions. These points can then be redeemed as a discount against your next purchase. Loyalty Points are valid for 12 months and are redeemable against all purchases. Loyalty Points can also be gained and used against discounted items, saving you even more money. They cannot however be gained or used with any other discounts. Kryolan Pro-card Members 
Are you a Kryolan Pro Card member? If so, as an Authorised Kryolan Distributor, we are able to accept your card and honour your discount on all Kryolan and Dermacolor products as well as our own branded items. Simply send proof of your current Pro Card membership to accounts@xtrememakeup.com or use the form below. We will then apply you discount to your Xtreme Makeup registered account. Please make sure that you log-in to your registered account in order to receive the discount as this cannot be applied if you re-register or check-out as a guest. Please note that at this time we are unable to add any spends to your Pro Card account balance however you will receive Loyalty Points as shown above, enabling you to get even more discount on your future purchases. |